The Evolution of Electrification
At Evolution Power Projects, we pride ourselves on our commitment to supply our customers with low carbon solutions to meet their power needs. Every day we offer environmentally responsible options designed from our innovative microgrid technology. We do this with more than ten years experience optimizing electrical distribution and technology development.
By displacing heavy carbon-emitting power supplies with renewable energy, we create immediate greener outputs. Electrification through natural gas supplied power is the initial step toward meeting the goal of Net Zero emissions.
The Energy Transitions Commission ( has reported that electrification will be the most significant aspect to decarbonization. The shift to renewable-based electrical power could represent up to 70% of energy demand by 2050. A report by the Atlantic Council ( reads that oil and gas companies face the challenge to adapt to changing policies and must adapt to lead the way to decarbonization.
The concern for cleaner energy is widespread and is outlined for the COP28 agenda (, the United Nations Climate Change Conference. This means the commitment has already been made and the change is going to happen. As practical and positive as the transition is, it is very impractical for the oil and gas industry to shut down altogether to accommodate it. Naturally, investments are involved, and oil and gas companies are finding ways to adapt to the ever-present social pressures of doing better. Logically, if these companies can use equipment that reduced the amount of single use engines with a single microgrid electrification system – a system using natural gas – they would reduce costs for rental equipment, maintenance and diesel fuel usage. Additional investments are all but eliminated.
Utilizing a microgrid allows all equipment to plug into a single source. Light towers no longer require their own generators; accommodation shacks, septic tanks, anything that requires electricity is plugged into a system designed for efficiency. The introduction of microturbines to the fleet has further improved the reliability and consistency of EPP’s product offerings. They are compact, sequence capable to create power ranging from 45kW to multi-Megawatt and equipped with advanced telemetry for remote monitoring and operation. This is the next generation in remote power, and our product line is introducing a virtually Zero-Downtime option for Canadian Producers. Project planners work with every customer to optimize the grid, calculating amperage needs and creating opportunities for all partner services to connect to the system, further eliminating diesel reliance.
At every turn, we are focused on aligning our directives with our customers’ initiatives and expectations. We continue to offer low-carbon power solutions and all the tools necessary to manage and assist their needs. Efficiency becomes a shared term throughout all aspects of the service – fuel delivery, cost savings, noise reduction and safety. Our experience has led to an optimized system that includes advanced telemetry for remote monitoring and operation as well as improved data reporting to measure and manage fleet emissions. Going forward to Net Zero, this allows customers to quantify their emission reduction efforts and their commitment to investing in fuel tolerant operations.